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Click on the "Make a donation" button to make an online donation to the Foundation through Paypal© or to download the donation form. All donations will be acknowledged via email or snail mail by the Foundation Treasurer and will be printed in the next FCRSA newsletter dependent on the newsletter deadline.

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* Please note that memorials prior to July 10th, 2005 cannot be viewed online.

Title Details Presented By Date
In honor of Valley Crest Mother Confessor BN RN CGCA (Kahlan) And Catori These Dreams CGC (Walter) Robert D Westcott 02/03/2025
In memory of Windrose Glory Of Zeddicus BN RN CGCA (Zedd) (02/02/2010 - 10/19/2017) Robert D Westcott 02/03/2025
In memory of Gus, loving companion of Bruce and Linnae Anderson. If there ever comes a day when we cannot be together, keep me in your heart, I will stay there forever. Kathleen Stevens, Kingsbridge FCR 02/01/2025
In memory of For the love and memory of our Flat-Coats Argos, Briana and Kayla Michael & Suzanne Romero 01/31/2025
In memory of KC, Sweet Girl (lab) 12/30/12-10/17/24 Elaine VanBriggle 01/31/2025
In memory of Ch AGCH MACH PACH Shasta Meet and Greet CDX RAE TD SH BCAT TKA WCX (USDAA MPD) Barbara Fowler 01/12/2025
In memory of Wingmaster New Day at Sanderling MH WCX Ed & Candy Ferner 01/07/2025
In memory of Ch Rockyhill\'s Aces Are Wild SH WCX Ed & Candy Ferner 01/07/2025
In memory of Ch Heirborn Finadelphia Creme Cheese SH WCX Ed & Candy Ferner 01/07/2025
In memory of Ch Moonstone Eve at Sanderling CDX MH12 WCX HOF Candy & Ed Ferner 01/07/2025
To good health Wishing Roxy a quick recovery and a fun return to the obedience ring. Topper, Janice & John Anthes 01/01/2025
In honor of Valley Crest Mother Confessor BN RN CGCA (Kahlan) And Catori These Dreams CGC (Walter) Robert D. westcott 01/01/2025
In memory of Windrose Glory Of Zeddicus BN RN CGCA (Zedd) (02/02/2010 - 10/19/2017) Robert D. Westcott 01/01/2025
In memory of in memory of Nash Janet Olson 12/31/2024
In honor of Falcon Alyce Spoto 12/31/2024
In memory of Bogey, Sam, Bix, Dooley and Rocco. Alyce Spoto 12/31/2024
In Celebration Proof's entry into the HOF Alyce Spoto 12/31/2024
In honor of Flat-Wear customers and their wonderful dogs. Flat-Wear 12/31/2024
In memory of Bella, our first Flat-Coat Dana and Brendan Foley 12/30/2024
In honor of Kistryl dogs past and present. Marilyn Wilcox 12/29/2024